Bug Device Detector: Securing Your Home Security Network

In today's digital world, we have more ways to protect ourselves and our families than ever before. Unfortunately, we also have more threats to protect ourselves and our families from than ever before. One of the biggest threats can be computer "bugs" that allow hackers to invade your privacy and most sensitive information.

Fortunately, bug detectors can help you and your family stay safe and secure.


To counter the sophisticated techniques used by hackers, you might need some bug detecting hardware to keep them off of your network.

  1. Radio Frequency (RF) Signal Detectors: radio frequency or RF signals are emitted by virtually every digital device you can imagine. From your cell phone and laptop to your credit cards and smartwatches, these RF signals are designed to communicate to available digital networks. A hacker can park in your neighborhood and employ an RF reader to capture the unprotected RF signals near them. These RF signals can be credit card numbers, keystrokes on a computer, signals from a baby monitor, or live feeds from a home security system. To detect RF signal readers, you should consider purchasing an RF signal detector. These devices can be hooked up to your wireless modem, which can send a signal to virtually any WiFi or cellular device when a suspicious RF signal is detected near your home. You can also purchase portable RF signal detectors that fit into your pocket or purse to alert you if someone is trying to steal your RF signals when you're on the move.
  2. Wireless Scramblers: WiFi networks depend on broadcast channels just like your radio or television. Hackers can sometimes gain access to your WiFi-enabled devices by "tuning in" to your WiFi channels. A wireless scrambling device can randomize your WiFi signals to make it more difficult for hackers to tune in to the channels being used on your network. The latest wireless scramblers will automatically scramble the channels every 24 to 48 hours to prevent nosy neighbors or persistent hackers from ever locating your scrambled wireless signals.


The most advanced bug detecting hardware sometimes needs the most advanced software to optimize your privacy and security.

  1. Security Log Monitor: the information that flows through your home network creates a trail that includes bugs and hacking attacks. For instance, many hackers utilize a password cracking program to gain access to your home security system. These hacking tools submit thousands of password attempts every second until they're able to crack your password. Each of these failed password attempts will be logged on your network security log. Unfortunately, you might not realize an attack underway until it's too late. Some of the best bug detecting software programs will monitor your network's security log to help you spot any anomalies or potential breaches. Once a potential issue is identified, your security log monitor software can send you a text, temporarily shut down your network, and/or alert your security system provider.
  2. WiFi Monitor: many network breaches start when hackers get access to your WiFi network. Once they get in, they can use upload viruses and other bugs that can compromise the security and privacy of any device hooked up to your network. Fortunately, you can install WiFi monitoring software that can tell you who and what is connected to your WiFi network at all times. In addition to providing you with real-time information, the software can also be used to set time limits and content restrictions for each device connected to your network. This can be useful when trying to keep your teenager focused on their schoolwork instead of their social media accounts.

For more information, contact a retailer that supplies bug device detectors.
