Bought an Older Commercial Building to Save Money? Choose the Right Windows

If the windows are old in your commercial building, then getting some new ones should be one of your top priorities. New windows look great, but they will also make your building much more energy efficient. This will save you money on your heating and cooling bills. Below is information on different types of commercial window frames and window glass. 

Window Frames

The window frame is the first thing you need to consider. Aluminum window frames are durable, and they block noise that comes from outside. This is important if you live in a busy area because loud constant noises can be distracting. You can paint over the aluminum so you can make them match your building or scenery, and you can count on these frames lasting a long time.  

There are also vinyl window frames which you will find in many commercial buildings. This is because vinyl is more energy-efficient than other types and is easier to install. Oftentimes, you cannot paint vinyl windows. You do have to consider where you live, however. This is because vinyl can fade and warp if it's built in extreme weather climates, such as areas that get very hot during the summer months. 

Wood frames are another option, and wood looks great. Wood is energy efficient when first installed, but over time wood may start to contract and expand. Wood can also develop cracks and rots over time. You need to be constantly aware if the wood has termites. If you live in an area that gets extremely hot, then wood might not be a good choice.

Window Glass

Once you choose the frame for your new windows, you need to choose the type of glass you want, for example, there is transparent glass that is completely clear. This works best if you want people to see inside your building, such as if you have a retail store.  

There is also coated or tinted glass which gives you privacy, but they are transparent enough for someone to see inside and for you to see out of. If the windows are near the sun, having tinted windows stops a lot of the sun's harmful rays from shining through. This can also help keep the interior much cooler during the hot summer months.   

Another type of window is frosted glass, which is much like tinted glass but more aesthetic. Frosted glass still gives you more privacy than clear glass, and it filters out harmful UV rays from the sun, just as tinted glass does. 

Contact a commercial window company to help you decide what types of windows are best for your building.
