Why You Should Have Your Security Officers Check Vehicles In Your Lot

Security officers can perform all sorts of important services at your retail business, including watching for signs of shoplifting. If you have a large parking lot adjacent to your store, you may wish to ask your officers to be vigilant about checking vehicles that are parked in the lot. The officers may already be patrolling the lot to watch for snatch-and-grab crimes, but having them specifically make a point of checking out the vehicles throughout the lot can be a good idea for several reasons. Here's why you may want the officers to check the parked vehicles.

Abandoned Vehicles

Sometimes, people will abandon vehicles in retail parking lots. Without a proper inspection of the vehicles in the lot, an abandoned vehicle may remain in this location for a prolonged period. Abandoned vehicles are an issue for multiple reasons. Not only do they take up a parking spot that you want to be available for a customer, but they can also be an eyesore — especially when they're in a state of disrepair. When one of your security officers notices a vehicle that they suspect is abandoned, they can follow up with the local police force to get in touch with the owner and determine if the vehicle is indeed abandoned. If so, you can promptly arrange for a towing service to remove it.

Drug Use

Unfortunately, some people who use drugs choose to do so in their vehicles, and will often park in parking lots for this purpose. Having your security officers check vehicles throughout your parking lot will quickly identify any vehicles that people are using for drug-related behavior. Your officers can intervene, likely by involving the local police, to curb this behavior. Additionally, if anyone has overdosed on drugs in their vehicle, quick intervention from one of your officers could save their life.


Criminals sometimes target vehicles in retail store parking lots for break-ins. The rationale is that these vehicles may have items of value in their back seats or trunks. Security patrols in your parking lot can discourage this behavior and potentially even catch criminals in the act, but taking the time to check the parked vehicles can also be advantageous. For example, an officer may notice a sign that a break-in has occurred. They can then quickly begin an investigation, which may include reviewing security camera footage. This prompt action may help to identify a suspect, which could aid in their arrest. 

Contact a security guard service for more information. 
